
“Besides the playing of the game of table tennis, the tables have become a gathering place for students at our high school throughout the day. The students enjoy playing and watching each other. There are plenty of smiles, laughing and competition around the tables.”

Deb Stolz, CPRP
Director of Shorewood Recreation and Community Services

“After visiting my sons in Berlin, Germany and seeing all the outdoor ping pong tables there I decided to investigate the possibilities of having one in my own yard here in Ames, IA. I found Park Pong on line and after a few discussions with Nick ordered a table. Initially I wanted all concrete but he informed me of some alternative reinforced concrete that is more durable and less in weight. I ordered the table over a year ago and we have been very satisfied with the construction and the look of the table in our front yard! And more so we are having so much fun playing outside–spring, summer, fall and an occasional winter game. The neighbors come around to play and we get to know new folks this way. The city is now considering a table in one of our city parks!
Satisfied customers!!”

Elizabeth Wentzel

The Park Pong table is a very popular attraction in our local park! The attached pictures show our Chief of Police and our public works employee using the table right after installation. We love it!

Patty Carson
North, South Carolina
